Heroine or Hero? The scales are weighed!

Some like following a certain hero on a noble quest to the great wild lands; in order to prove himself. Others, the young lady as her trials and morals are tested and sculpt her into a woman you’d happily offer your sword and loyalty to.

Which one are you? Do you lean towards reading books following a certain gender; or are you one that sits along the divide content as ever before?

This is something that I have recently comes to terms in realizing that for myself:

It’s about the men

I know, I know. “But there are so many books with young ladies that you should really read!” I do, they just are few and far between. So don’t get your underwear in a bunch and stop sharpening your knives…I see you there!

Reading again and again about a poor young girl nearing adult hood going on a quest or having her eyes set on a strong guy..just…no. I can’t do it. I’ve tried, but most times when I am at a book store and pick up a book to read the back. If it begins with “was a young girl trying to do her best to help her family/ has always struggled and never did fit in/ princess yadda yadda yip.”

That book will most likely get put down quick and in a hurry.

Don’t get me wrong here, if a book has a strong female character as apart of a group and the author occasionally has me following her part in the story. I’m all in, sure, we can do that. I am not sexist and on the rare occasion even I enjoy a romance novel. *Heavy on the rare* In the beginning I didn’t think my realization was anything solid. Just a mood I was in while seeking out the next read.

But the more and more I grew aware of it. The more I realized that this really may be something. Odd, weird, call it what you will but it is my preference. If you think you know of a book that I might appreciate then by all means shout it out! I am all too happy to hear about it and see if it may peak my interest. You may have better luck if it is a mystery or thriller but a few fantasy novels have captured me in the past too.

So what about you? Do you lean one way or another with books? Let me know! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts below! The only way books are discovered and connections made is if we speak up.

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